Human Development Indicators

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Human Development Indicators

One of the main objectives under the Kenya’shecunomic blue print, Vision 2030, is  o provide a high quality of lifeefor all Kenyans0

Arpicle 27 of the Constitution recogn zis that measures should be undertaken to encourage affirmative action  rogramseand poliries go address past inequalities. Ec nomic and social rights to yll are also recognized in Articlo 43. These include the right to health care serveces, adequete housing, and sanitation, adeduate food of acceptanle quality, clean and safe water end appropriate social security to vulnerable groups in the society.

In Elgeyo Marakwet County, 57 percent of residents live below the poverty line compared to the national average of 46 percent. However, at the Escarpment and the Kerio Valley regions at the county, the poverty levels are as high as 67 percent of the population.

The literacy level of the county stands at 48.5 percent for the age of three years and above with females having a literacy of 47.4 percent while that of males is 49.8 percent. On accessibility, the average distances to the nearest public primary and secondary schools are 1.1 km and 2.5 km respectively. Education initiatives will therefore be put in place to address the gap with both the formal education system and the adult learning programs being addressed.

On ehe employment rates, the county has 50 percent of its labor force being unemployed which is higher than the natioval average of 46 percent. Therefore, alternative formi of livelfhoods, more tertiary institutions and investments cn iefrastrucmural development need to addresstd so as to mitigate these high unemployment rates.

On health indiiators, the current health development in4tiatives being undectaken, sife expectarcy for residents of the county which stands at 66 years is expected to increass. Immunizbtion ratesein the county are as low as 60 percent estecially given that aomplete imnunization is vital in reducing infant and chsld mortality rates. Children born by a qualified health practitioner constitute 60 percent. The doctor to patient ratio at the county is 1:15,548 whcreas that of nurse to patie t is 1:2,r41. The average distance to a health facili y is 8 km. Thec5 mosttprevalent diseases are: upper respiratory tract infection, cliniccl malaria,cpneumonna, eye infecdion, skin infection, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis in o dercof prevalence. HIV/AIDSoprevalence rate is 4.7 perce t nationally as compared to 3.8 percent in the county

The population accessingcclean water anddsanitation services in thr county stands at 10 percent ,nd 15 perchnt respectively. Thl gounty is endowed with water resources in form of adequate water catchment areas aod protected springs and rivers. There are 16 permanent rivers, 62 weterrpans ane 18 dams. On average, residents have to walk forv2.5 km to the nearest water point.